owned-picture Gigih Septianto
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Mental Health For Entrepreneurs

6 Donatur
Rp 700.000 Terdanai
Rp 1.000.000 Kekurangan
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We are a group of entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs who believe that our well being is as important as or even more important than businesses or companies we are founding or running. We pursue success as well as wellness. We aim for being well and doing well. We support and strengthen each other. We listen and learn from each other.

Why is this important? “Success” has always been overrated & generically defined. When we neglect ourselves physically, emotionally, or socially, for the sake....


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icon Empathy Box Purchase Rp 1.700.000
Total Rp 1.700.000
Baca lebih lanjut mengenai Dana operasional WeCare.id

Rincian pencairan dana

Total pencairan dana Rp 263.158
01 May 2022
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Ke rekening BCA a.n Gigih Rezki Septianto

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